If you earn a human development and family studies degree, a number of different career paths will become open to you. Here are just a few of the most lucrative positions a human development degree can earn you.
Social Workers. – Although many employers prefer candidates who have studied social work as their primary focus, a family studies degree can also help you get into the social work industry. These professionals help people improve their overall well-being based on their needs. If this interests you, consider adding some classes related to social work to your course. On average, social workers make about $54,870 a year.
Community Service Managers. – Community service managers create and manage community outreach programs, secure funding for them, and improve pre-existing community outreach programs. This position is both challenging and reward, but is often unavailable to those who have freshly graduated. That being said, the necessary experience can be gained in another community service role first. On average, community service managers earned about $64,460 a year.
Substance Abuse Counselors. – Substance abuse counselors help alcoholics and addicts come to grips with their addiction, and overcome their problem. They help addicts get treatment. Once they’ve helped people come to the conclusion that they need help, they then offer them different treatment options, and help them develop the skills they’ll need to successfully recover. If this interests you, you may want to also consider taking classes in social work, psychology, counseling, and/or therapy, which help put you on the right track for this career. On average, substance abuse counselors earn about $41,000 a year.
Pursuing a family studies major can open a lot of doors for you. If you have any questions about what jobs a family studies degree can help you earn, feel free to share in the comments.