There are so many things that can make a company a great employer, but one of the biggest things an employer can help their employees with is childcare. While there are many benefits that companies provide — free lunches or coffee, corporate carpools, etc. — childcare is something that benefits people personally and professionally. It benefits the employer in particular for many reasons. Check out why you should be considering offering this service if you don’t already!
Finding a daycare is incredibly difficult, so it is no wonder that employers who provide onsite childcare are seen as more desirable than those who do not. Parents may actually go out to actively seek employers who provide this benefit, because it takes a lot of stress off of their shoulders. This gives you access to more talented professionals than ever before!
Increased Productivity
Providing childcare onsite has been proven to increase productivity and retention ad well as decrease absenteeism. Maybe it’s the knowledge that their child is safe and near them if they’re needed, or maybe it’s the other benefits, such as early child education. Often, when employers provide daycare, they also provide early child education. So rather than worry about what trouble or harm their child may be getting into, parents know they are learning and playing. This allows them to focus and get the job done!
Increased Loyalty
Employers with onsite childcare also see increased loyalty with their existing employees in addition to decreased maternity leaves and better concentration. Many moms come back to work and the only thing on their mind is whether or not their child is doing okay, and what they would do if something happened to their child. With corporate childcare, their kid is in the same building, and if anything were to happen, it’s an elevator ride away from them. Employees appreciate the thought that their employers put into this, and therefore stay more loyal to that company.
Are you working for an employer that offers corporate daycare? What has your experience been like with it? Would you recommend it to other moms and dads?