The middle is an interesting place, neither the beginning or the end. The middle school is no exception. It is an interesting mix of very young sixth graders and very old eighth graders. An interesting mix of childish behaviors and habits part of the time, mixed with the emotional roller coaster of older children starting to become young adults. They are a special group of children who tend to thrive when they are in their own environment, especially when the people who work with them understand and respect them.
Many families decide that the best environment for their middle school children is in a private school setting because private schools are smaller. In fact, 86% have fewer than 300 students. The smaller environment of a private school allows the challenge of an academic honors program during the day and competitive athletics after school. A top private middle school can provide an individualized setting full of opportunities for the brightest of students.
In addition to a full academic and extra-curricular offering, a private school can also offer other benefits. In a study completed by the Fraser Institute in 2007, for example, 91% of parents surveyed said the dedication of the classroom teachers was their main reason for selecting private school. No one can argue that quality teachers create the best learning environments. The educationally rich learning environments created by private school teachers can help many middle school students make the transition from childhood to the beginning stages of adulthood.
In the same Fraser study, nearly 72% of parents surveyed with children in the private school system strongly agreed that their school environment was safe. Safe environments, as much as anything else, drive many educational choices by families.
Whether you are looking for an academically challenging spot for your highly motivated sixth grade daughter, or you are looking for enriching after school organizations for your sixth grade son, you might find just what you are looking for in the hallways and classrooms of a private middle school.