Author: National Dropout Rate

  • Are You Ready to Move Off Campus?

    What do you remember most about your years in college? Is it the friends that you made who stood up with you in your wedding? Is it the all night study sessions finishing 20+ page research papers? The 20 hours a week of college gymnastics practice in addition to all of those research papers? Is…

  • Here’s Why You Need to Be Considering a Pre-K Program for Your Child

    Every parent wants the best for their children, and getting them a great education should be your top priority. Many parents dismiss early learning as “optional,” but a wide array of statistical evidence shows just how much of an impact a pre-kindergarten program can have on your child’s development. A pre-K program will give your…

  • Important Advantages of Sending Your Child to a Preschool That You Cannot Ignore

    As a parent, one of the most important responsibilities you will ever have to fulfil is the complete, well-rounded education of your child. The system of school education does a lot for your children, not only when it comes to imparting the right education, but also in terms of character development, personality development and the…

  • What Can You Do With a Psychology Degree?

    If you’re considering going back to school and getting a college degree, good for you! You’re taking a step toward advancing your education which will help you to make more money in a job you love. In fact, most of college attendees (83%) say that earning their degree “has paid off.” In 2013, Americans who…

  • With Corporate Childcare, You Can Have it All

    The American dream is lovely yet complicated one indeed: go to college, find the career of your dreams, earn the money to buy your own home, and marry your one true love and settle down and have children. But for many, particularly women, having the time to do all of these things seems nearly impossible.…

  • Why private school? Here are Three Reasons Why

    As parents, the thing we want most for our children is for them to feel activated and happy as they go on through life. While many believe that the kind of education a child receives doesn’t matter, experts might disagree. Attending private school offers a plethora of benefits for young children, that will ultimately help…